Specialists of international repute regularly conduct camps here:
Mr. Richard Villar from Cambridge, UK for Orthopaedic surgery camps
Professor Thomas Lambrecht from Basle, Switzerland and Professor
Thomas Kreusch from Kiel, Germany for Maxillofacial surgery camps
Mr. George Lamberty from Cambridge,UK for Plastic Surgery camps
The following camps are also held routinely in surrounding and remote
Ophthalmic Surgery Camps
Polio camps: The Government supported, CBM Polio Project for Betul
and Sehore Districts
Cancer Detection Camps
General Medical Camps
For Further Inquiries: Medical Superintendent, PO - Padhar,
District - Betul, Madhya Pradesh (460005), India.
Tel - (91) 7141 263227,263228, 263230, 263346. Fax - (91) 7141 263346.